152 Coxs Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 (Opposite Coxs Rd Mall & IGA)


Now in its 17th year, NRG has been serving the North Ryde Community with over 3000 participants who have progressed through the K-12 program.

NRG (North Ryde Games) is a children’s holiday program with a difference. The Kindy-Yr 6 program includes age appropriate activities including dramas, singing, activities, craft. The program incorporates morning electives where our teenage development leaders assist in program delivery, and afternoon electives provided by external professional providers.

NRG is based on the life and teachings of Jesus found in the bible. All faith backgrounds are welcome to attend our positive, inclusive and respectful program. The program is organised by staff from St John’s Anglican Church North Ryde. Paid staff have been police checked and have completed all Working With Children government requirements and safe ministry training provided by the Sydney Anglican Diocese.

The $170 Registration cost includes T-Shirt, Cap, Daily Morning Tea, craft and all activity costs. We have tried to keep the price as low as possible to include as many local students that we can during the difficult cost of living crisis. Many external school holiday events can cost $200 for just 2 hours – the $170 is a bargain – but we do understand that this is still too much for some families, and generous community sponsors subsidise the program, so please contact us if you require assitance. We are very thankful for our external professional afternoon activity providers and encourage you to consider accessing their weekly programs throughout term 3.

The program runs from Mon 8th July 2024 until Friday 12th July. On the Friday there is a multicultural feast and celebration concert. Children can be picked up at the usual time of 3pm, but we offer extended supervision until 5pm. At 5pm we invite parents to join us in the playground at St John’s for a multicultural feast, followed by a live family inclusive concert that commences at 5:30 and finishes by 6pm.

We have capacity to cater for children with special needs, but the arrangements need to be in place before registration. The site is a nut free zone. If your child has additional health needs, please do contact us. We have both a defribillator and Epipen’s onsite with trained staff.

If you have any questions please email nrg@northrydeanglican.org.au or ring o2 9878 3974.

Daily Timetable

9:00 K-6 Children arrive and are signed in
9:20 Morning Story Time with singing and drama
9:50 Small age co-hort groups
10:30 Morning Tea (Fresh Fruit and snacks – included)
10:50 Novelty Game at North Ryde Public School Oval
11:20 Morning Electives
12:30pm Afternoon Story Time
1:00 Lunch in the playground at St John’s
1:30pm Afternoon Electives
3:00pm Parents arrive and sign out children

5th July 2024 10am. Registration has now closed at 160 K-6 students. We are holding 10 spots for low income families or local students living in proximity to the church (Post code 2113). Please send an SMS to John Chappell on 0403 812 782 to request one of the final spots.

Morning Children’s Electives

Please note that we cannot guarantee enrolment in your first preference. Please choose wisely at registration as elective choice cannot be changed.


A cooking experience not to be forgotten led by our experienced adult chefs and teenage assistants! Cook and eat! Nut free zone. Please ensure you let leaders know of any allergies.


Create a new craft project every day and share with family and friends

Nerf Battle

The St John’s playground is transformed into a Neft gun battlezone. Which team will win? Collaborative team based activity with saftey as a priority and full eye protection. Develop your skills and team strategy over the five days of NRG.

Performing Arts (Yrs 3-6 Only)

Our experienced leaders have created five days of creativity for Stage 2 & 3 students. Drama, video production, lego animation – design and work on projects collaboratively.


Using the facilities at North Ryde Public school, students experience different sports (weather dependent including T-Ball, Soccer, AFL, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee & Basketball). Collaborative team play in a supportive and safe environment.

STEM – Science & Technology

Our Science Univesity graduates have devised some awesome experiments for you to design and activate!

Afternoon Children’s Electives

Please note that we cannot guarantee enrolment in your first preference. Please choose wisely at registration as elective choice cannot be changed.


Join our NBL1 coaching stars as beginners and seasoned players learn ball skills, drills, shooting and mini games in a fun co-operative and supportive environment. Izzy and Nate coach Junior Abbostlseigh teams.


Join Michael and Grace from Norwest Chess acadamy who have decades of experience coaching both beginners and masters.

Coding & Robotics

Join Yenny and her team from mechatronic robotics as beginnners and intermediate students learn coding and basic robotic design.


Join Jennifer from JDance performance studio in learning the moves and presenting a routine at our Friday Night Concert

Martial Arts

Join George from Jun Tong International Taekwon-do as he introduces infants and primary school students to martial arts in a safe, fun and supportive environment. George has been tutoring infants and primary students locally in Cox’s Rd for many years.


Join local netball legendary Filmer family and crew as they tutor beginners and experienced players. Ariana has been coaching netball with North Ryde RSL Netball club for many years.


North Ryde Soccer club experienced coaches introduce beginner and seasoned players in a fun, supportive and game focused training program. Please note that this elective may be cancelled or restricted due to rain / slushy fields due to expected rain both before and during NRG.


Join a fun program of vocal training, games and perfomance co-ordinated by professional educators from the Australian Girls Choir. Boys and Girls are welcome to register for this elective.