152 Coxs Rd North Ryde NSW 2113 (Opposite Coxs Rd Mall & IGA)


Training in Ministry

Making Disciples

Term 2 2023 Study material

How central should the work of disciple-making be in our daily lives and in our church culture? How do we get there? And what does it actually look like?

The 8 sermons in Making Disciples will highlight the work of disciple-making as the very heart of the Bible’s vision for the life of God’s people and our Church.

Abundant Light

Contact Simon Pei on 0416 988 896

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Abundant Life 丰盛的生命

Contact Simon Pei on 0416 988 896

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Introduction to The Bible 圣经导论

Contact Simon Pei on 0416 988 896

Click HERE to register